Sunday, February 27, 2011

Government Day Care Centers

The phrase role model has almost lost all meaning,
Instead of glorifying teachers, professors, and overall educators,
The people that make the world worth living,
Our society idolizes celebrities and and overpaid athletes,
We throw away more and more school funding into irrelevant things such as sports,
While eviscerating funding for the arts,
Schools appear to becoming merely government day care centers,
Built to condition our youth to withstand their future 9 to 5 hours,
And the majority never question this because they're cowards,
We must glorify the relevant,
So I find it prevalent to bitch about how we've degraded the image of a teacher,
Instead of the most qualified teaching our youth,
Our society has become corrupted and convinced our brightest,
To do tasks for lots of cash that are ultimately mindless,
Leaving the possibility for people with degrees,
Who genuinely don't give a shit,
To educate and participate,
How could this possibly lead mankind to a better fate?

The Annoying "Why?" Game

What happened to our child like wonder?
What has happened to our adventurous spirit?
Why have we let a ruthless world siphon our innocence and guide us down a path of reality that is accepted by the majority?
What you think you know, question it.
Think you know yourself?
Question what makes you, YOU.
What bulletin points did you come up with about yourself?
Why are you these things?
Do these bulletin points truly matter?
Every question can be answered with a question that's worth asking.
Some children choose to play the game of asking why after each answer to get under your skin,
Perhaps now is the time to get under your own skin and question why again.

Abashed the Devil Stood..

Abashed the Devil stood and failed to comprehend why religions are needed.
Religions can have positive messages and are right for some,
But the truth is throughout time way too many become martyrs and victims due to Religions!
And our time is not up people,
So I'm left to conclude way too many more people will die unnecessarily in the future,
Because one person is one too many,
No one deserves to die in vain!
If you disagree examine your heart and "soul"!
What form of hatred exists in you?
And then tell me how hatred benefits you,
I fail to see how something so vile can be beneficial,
In the perfect utopia filled with advanced technology, peace, and enlightenment, how does the constant arguing of which religion is correct benefit us?
We shouldn't be arguing!
We must unite to become a type one civilization,
We must unite as a species if we want any hope of reaching Heaven on Earth.


Time is ticking,
The clock is racing,
Death is hurdling towards us,
When worded like this it seems we're stuck with impending doom,
But this is not so people!
Time passing should not stress us, but instead simply motivate us.
Think of it in the terms of:
"Life is passing, how would I like to continue my adventure today?"
Adventures are not reserved for fictional characters in books and movies!
Adventures are ready to be had by cause and effect,
BUT YOU have to be ready to go cause them,
If this is what you seek then go.
It's truly that simple,
Just try to keep an open mind in whatever you may do,
Learn from the aftermath,
It may help you with your next adventure,
Or possibly help you cop with a mind altering transformation,
Please do not fear time or transformation,
Thanks to time man has evolved from the primordial ooze we once were,
Allowing us the cognitive thought to truly appreciated the complexities, flaws, & beauty of the organisms we refer to as man,
Do not fret for possessions,
For time is all you really have,
Thanks to time you'll live forever,
Our brains can't truly fathom death, nothingness, oblivion.
You can only know of life because it's all you've been exposed to,
You can see that you're not stuck in stasis due to time,
Time is kind,
Time is patient,
Time is on our side.

We Understand

Two Face,
Is man good or evil?
Instinctually we're survivors and will dabble in whichever realm is most beneficial,
But Thanks to knowledge we can try to understand perspectives different from our own,
Understanding and rationalizing are two entirely different things though,
I may understand your perspective, but I could never rationalize something like war,
Men, women, and children die over disagreements and dirt!
Fucking dirt!
How can you claim the right of owning this portion of the planet?
What justifies these imaginary lines?
How do you feel knowing the world is divided into teams known as countries?
Do you like the concept that teams get together and from clicks as if it were still high school?
These clicks label who is good & evil in the world and then tell the media stations they own what to report to influence what you believe,
Like a coin there are two sides to every story, man, and action.
What action, what cause will effect you to distinguish between understanding and rationalizing?
Until the world learns this lesson more blood will be spilled pointlessly,
This we understand.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Instinctual Lady Bug Love

There are no soul mates,
No knight or damsel awaits patiently until you've had your fix of bad boys & hood rats,
Just the silent and the meek would accept theses roles,
If you're one of these poor souls ask yourself,
Why do I do this to myself?
When you're ready there is a WORLD of people out there to meet,
As I said there are no soul mates,
Love is a roller coaster amongst a battle field,
Before you can find a mate you're compatible with,
You must have the fervor to enter the battlefield and compete for them,
As do all the creatures of the animal kingdom,
Are you meaning to tell me a lady bug has more courage than you?
Because they're getting laid, they're procreating, they're at least trying,
I acknowledge they're not aware of self doubt and are simply following instincts,
But I ask you why don't you follow their lead?
Is it truly better to have love and lost than to have never love at all?
Having had my heart repeatedly broken I still answer yes my brothers & sisters,
So when the iron is hot for you don't be afraid to strike!
Don't let outer shells matter,
Eventually every empire falls!
Every body shall wither,
But if you chose correctly their heart, soul, and mind will still be all the things you've strived for in complementing your life,
Beauty and youth are wasted on the young and the foolish who only look skin deep,
Let's pause for a moment,
Learn from the lady bug and the other animals on this beautiful earth,
Follow our instincts and have the courage to approach or ask out those we find suitable,
The worst they can say is no, but be comforted knowing you summoned the courage to try!
That's an accomplishment,
One I'd like to think the lady bug would be proud of.

Peace is on Your Side

Answer me!
What's better than peace?
Money? Sex? Drugs?
I could continue with examples,
But unless your answer is nothing I'm afraid we'll disagree,
But that is only my opinion,
You're entitled to yours, BUT you must realize I am entitled to mine,
And though we may disagree can we agree that the concept of peace is a good thing?
Peace, tranquility, serenity, love,
Whatever the word,
However it may be defined,
The concept is the same,
Take a moment,
Examine where you are,
Slowly breath in, breath out, relax..
Let go of all worries just for a couple of moments,
Realize how relaxing it is to just absorb and appreciate the body's five senses,
Though knowledge is power for the time being,
Don't think, just listen,
Don't think, just taste,
Don't think, just smell,
Don't think, just look,
Just feel,
Life is riddled with complexities yet it's so simple,
If you're not happy with your life simply change it!
We all have responsibilities that must be done for ourselves or our fellow man,
But if your changes don't harm others or yourself than you have my blessings,
Does my blessings or opinion truly matter? You decide,
But perhaps you'll find it comforting knowing someone is on your side.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Almost Meaningless

Sometimes it's really hard to be "Dude - like".
I just want to be a good person like The Dude.
This is my tourniquet to violence.

Almost Meaningless:

I wish all the ignorant in the world had just one neck,
So I could hang them with a noose,
Watch their feet flail as they start to shit themselves,
I'm into thinking idealistic, but let's be realistic,
This world is going ballistic,
You must realize you have to break a few shells and skulls if you want a serenity filled utopia omelet,
How hypocritical that the all knowing & caring is so unforgivable,
That's right! This shit must be stopped!
Look how we've already allowed the ignorant and greedy devitalize us,
Disguising their true intent behind logos, deities, & celebrity idols,
The evidence it overwhelming but won't be on your news channel,
Because those same marionette masters are telling the puppets what to report,
It's almost all meaningless, and the information they give you is to scare you,
So you can remain fearful, voice less, and almost meaningless.

A Revolution

I understand image is a huge thing to each individual, but it's something that can be sickening to contemplate. It's a shame watching people transition for the worse as they justify their actions.
We need to step back from our trivial lives and focus on the world. But how?
One voice will always fall on ignorant deaf ears, but a voice of reason spread NEEDS to spread around the world like an epidemic.

It seems at times that the people who are more intellectual/ and could improve the world are more passive than their ignorant counter parts.

We should all start a revolution that will lead mankind towards the path of an intellectual yet caring eutopia.
All it takes is speaking up and not being afraid to be heard.
I am not encouraging a revolution involving any form of hostility or confrontation, but we must not coward to opposition. A coward dies a thousand deaths and inspires no changes.

Use your talents to spread a message of unity, intellectualism, awareness, etc.
If you make artwork, write lyrics/poetry/in a blog, music, whatever your poison may be just ask yourself this:

Does your form of art truly have a message worth meaning?
If not, can it?

Monday, February 7, 2011

We Must...

There is a bleeding wound in our heartland.
Instead of mending the wound we allow it to be stitched up with bombs & lies.
One nation under God.
My dick is bigger than yours.
Why do these things matter?
With your gigantic cock in hand do you feel comforted thinking your more righteous than your fellow species? Your brothers and sisters..
Ignorance is a powerful shield.
One astonishing enough that it protects you from the rest of the world & the absurdities of life.
Life is a truly miraculous thing that we'll never understand, but we must open our third eyes,
Appreciate this rare dissipating gift while we still have oxygen in our lungs!
Carpe Diem! Memento Mori! What have you?
Appreciate the moments you have, the life you've been given.
Just remember your fellow species are your brothers & sisters.
Remember, we're all in this together.
We're all in this together.

9 Lives!

Garfield! Your nine lives were up long ago!
Why won’t they quit whoring out your animated corpse?!
Was it too much to bow out with dignity?
I pray for a fur ball to choke you in your sleep!
That diabetes chimes in from your obesity!
That the ones pulling your marionette strings learn to release…

Yet to Begin...

Weeping angels linger in the corner,
Terrified for my soul as the Devil comforts me,
As I grow colder and my vision withers,
The fragrance of brimstone fills the air,
Through the chaos I hear his voice,
Soothing me, saying my suffering is almost at an end,
As the weeping angels claim it has yet to begin.

Essence of Edgar

Centuries of silence remain in the crypt of my beloved Lenore,
Reveries of her beating heart summon mourning,
Leaving me outside her aging crypt,
Dying to get inside,
Her siren’s call lures me here,
Rid me of this wretched life
So I may lay with my beloved Lenore,
I pray for this and nothing more.

A New Bejelit..

I suppose this will serve as another means to vent or express myself.
I've always loved to write and have felt more compelled to lately. Who knows how long this will last, but I'll try to remember to write in this periodically.

Listening to Tool


I'm aware of the atrocities I've committed towards correct grammar, etc. but I simply don't care. This is just a means to get the thoughts out of my head.