Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Peace is on Your Side

Answer me!
What's better than peace?
Money? Sex? Drugs?
I could continue with examples,
But unless your answer is nothing I'm afraid we'll disagree,
But that is only my opinion,
You're entitled to yours, BUT you must realize I am entitled to mine,
And though we may disagree can we agree that the concept of peace is a good thing?
Peace, tranquility, serenity, love,
Whatever the word,
However it may be defined,
The concept is the same,
Take a moment,
Examine where you are,
Slowly breath in, breath out, relax..
Let go of all worries just for a couple of moments,
Realize how relaxing it is to just absorb and appreciate the body's five senses,
Though knowledge is power for the time being,
Don't think, just listen,
Don't think, just taste,
Don't think, just smell,
Don't think, just look,
Just feel,
Life is riddled with complexities yet it's so simple,
If you're not happy with your life simply change it!
We all have responsibilities that must be done for ourselves or our fellow man,
But if your changes don't harm others or yourself than you have my blessings,
Does my blessings or opinion truly matter? You decide,
But perhaps you'll find it comforting knowing someone is on your side.

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