Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Almost Meaningless

Sometimes it's really hard to be "Dude - like".
I just want to be a good person like The Dude.
This is my tourniquet to violence.

Almost Meaningless:

I wish all the ignorant in the world had just one neck,
So I could hang them with a noose,
Watch their feet flail as they start to shit themselves,
I'm into thinking idealistic, but let's be realistic,
This world is going ballistic,
You must realize you have to break a few shells and skulls if you want a serenity filled utopia omelet,
How hypocritical that the all knowing & caring is so unforgivable,
That's right! This shit must be stopped!
Look how we've already allowed the ignorant and greedy devitalize us,
Disguising their true intent behind logos, deities, & celebrity idols,
The evidence it overwhelming but won't be on your news channel,
Because those same marionette masters are telling the puppets what to report,
It's almost all meaningless, and the information they give you is to scare you,
So you can remain fearful, voice less, and almost meaningless.

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